3 Fun Reasons to Specialize as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur
You might not think the words “specialize” and “multi-passionate” belong in the same sentence. However, they can co-exist, and create something really special. But you have to be ready and willing for these polar opposites to work in your business.
This blog post, and all other Creators Process blog posts are free from AI, and written by me. I share my opinions, knowledge, experience and typos with you gladly.
I deliberately put the word “fun” in the headline of this blog post because the assumption, and language, when it comes to finding and choosing a narrow niche as a multi-passionate entrepreneur, is full of fear and horror. The word “niche” has become the enemy to many multiple creators.
I’d like to change that thinking, so here are 3 fun reasons why you’d want to create a specialized business, if you identify as a multi-passionate entrepreneur.
I do not like the term multi-passionate, but it’s shorter than “someone with multiple interests and skills”, so we’ll go with multi-passionate.
Specializing is an invitation to an endless world of learning.
You know how the more you learn about something, the more you find out there is to learn?
This is true when it comes to creating a business that is super specialized.
You get to go really deep to learn all you can about your super special business position. We like that, don’t we?
Us multi creators are driven y learning, we love learning new, getting new ideas, making new connections, and sometimes sharing our new findings too. We like that circle, and it’s what gives us all the kills and knowledge. Lovely, bubbly!
When you decide to focus and begin the journey to become a super specialized business, the first step you want to take, is to have a look at what you already have experience in, and what you can already do.
Then comes the hard part of making a decision to focus more on something, and less on other things.
It does not mean you have to give up your other interests, nor does it mean you can’t act on new ideas and interests you’ll get in the future. It just means your work life will be more focused on your chosen interest.
A huge benefit of making this decision is, that you get to carve a sharper line between work and private life, and intentionally distinguish between what your business is about, and your hobbies.
This is a super healthy boundary to have in our lives. How many of us don’t have that boundary so blurred we never really switch off?
In my mind, to be specialized in something means being on the way to becoming an expert. It’s a process, for sure, and it’ll take time, focus, and discipline. If those things don’t sound much fun to you, think of your specialized business as entering a Narnia world of learning. Learning is already part of your expertise as a multi-passionate entrepreneur.
You see? Deciding to super specialize your business doesn’t mean restrictions. It means the opposite. How fun!
2. Specializing means answering: “What do you do?”
Ok, maybe a little controversial this one, but if you’ve ever felt bad about yourself when asked the question “So, what do you do?”, you’ll understand.
One of the reasons that question is so anxiety triggering for many of us, is that labels, titles, and boxes makes it easier to quickly universally understand each other.
The truth is, of course, we’re all way more nuanced and capable than a simple title.
If we swing the focus away from ourselves for a wee minute, and our own uncomfortableness, and focus on our best customer, the person who really needs our help, being super clear about what what your business does particularly we,, is a humongous help to her.
And she’ll thank you by gladly pay you for your special help.
Again I want to make crystal clear (are crystals really clear?) about saying that deciding to specialize, is not a decision to pick one interest over 4 others, and only being able to do that for the rest of your life.
Your particular specialty business could involve several interests in big or small ways. It all depends.
This is what I help my clients figure out through coaching.
3. A specialized business can charge more (and you can earn more monez)
This has gotta be a fun reason to help your decision making.
The more specialized your business is, the better you can position your business, and the less competition you’ll have.
The less competition, the more you can charge because the customers who really need your help will have a hard time getting that help from someone else. So she’ll pay for your particular blend of expertise.
I don’t believe in overcharging, and I believe there’s a price ceiling to how much the marketplace will continually pay before it backfires.
However, my experience is also, that us women have a terrible tendency to not charge enough, a justifiable and valuable price for our work, services and knowledge, so we can build profitable and sustainable businesses. This I do not believe in.
We tend to go above and beyond, charge by the hour, make ourselves available at all hours, all because we’re afraid of not being liked and getting bad reviews. Can you tell I speak from experience?
Look, it’s a process to get to a place where you feel competent and confident enough to charge well for your services. There are nuances to this process, and I’m personally still practicing. But we should aim to get to a place where our business make enough money for us to live comfortably and secure.
Money’s fun. earning good money is fun.
Going from generalist to specialist is a process.
Oh yes, it is. It’s a process that’ll take time, but honestly, it can be a fantastic process of learning that’ll feel so rewarding to you, that you’ll keep going.
It may help to think of the process to become a specialist to be like a snowball down a hill. First it’s small and slow, but once it really gets going, you become unstoppable.
How long that process will be is totally up to you, and how much work and discipline you put into it.
If you’re skeptical and doubt you’re able to focus long enough on your chosen business subject to become a specialist, I recommend you remember 2 things:
Make your process for learning what you need to learn to become a specialist as compelling, fun and low pressure as possible.
Make room in your life to be the fabulous renaissance woman you are, and go to town on your other interests, but in your spare time.
You definitely can do it though.
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