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Creators Process

That’ll be me, Katja, the woman behind this website :D

Coaching inquiries

Thank you so much for being interested in coaching with me.

This is where you inquire about coaching, interesting projects, or any questions you might have.

I’d love to hear from you and what you’d like help with.

Guest blog posts.

Please note, that I don’t accept guest bloggers at this time.

business specializing tips workbook cover

“I’ve searched far and wide for coaching that is specific to creatives and you’ve hit the sweet spot. Thank you for sharing your resources.” - Kiry Luc - Seattle

More resources for a sustainable business and creative process.


Kaizen philosophy is the belief that taking tiny, tiny steps in an intentional direction is such a good (and proven) way to create lasting change and continuous improvement. By taking just a tiny step, you bypass resistance, a common creative block.

Learn more about kaizen in my ebook “A Better Process”


Having self-love as a focus for doing creative and business work, makes it a little easier to focus on yourself and what you can do, and a little less on what others do. If creating is about self-love and self-kindness, making time for it might be easier.


Wabi Sabi teaches us that imperfection is not a compromise. That all things in life are impermanent, imperfect, and incomplete. The same is true for creativity and business. Adapting this belief gives you permission and freedom to breathe a sigh of relief, slow down, and be your imperfect self.


Create space for yourself, a physical space you enjoy and feel inspired in, mental space, emotional space, spiritual space, family space, and electronic space. Having a feeling of space in your life is a good thing. We like!


Making mistakes, faffing about, playing around, and experimenting, are all good things. Not something to avoid or hide. Fail your way forward - as the saying goes. Mistakes are big teachers in creativity and business.