What Is Creativity Coaching?
Kaizen-muse creativity coaching is about addressing human nature in the process of creativity and the process of building a creative business. Creativity coaching honors the non-linear process of creating and the creative personality.
It has nothing to do with what you want to create or whether you to paint, write, or build. It's gentle encouragement and an understanding of how a creative process works. I would say that most of us can create without help or create a little change without help. And maybe coaching is a luxury but to go through life without doing creative work of any kind is a bigger tragedy than paying for a creativity coach. I say this of course because I’m a creativity coach but also because I know the impact doing my creative work has on my life and the life of my clients.
Creativity coaching is not about art as much as it’s about the process of making art. Kaizen-muse creativity coaching is about addressing human nature in the process of change. If you want to do creative work but you’re stuck, it doesn’t help to say “Just get on with it.” Kmc coaching understands the nonlinear ways of creativity and human nature.
The Creativity Coaching Association says this:
"Creativity Coaches are similar to life coaches but focus more specifically on your creative work. These coaches help you to develop your artistic and humanistic talents. Creativity Coaches have helped thousands of artists, writers, inventors, entrepreneurs, and other creative souls to accomplish their dreams." -
Why you might need a creativity coach
Imagine you have this dream about learning how to draw and animate. You’ve looked at a gazillion YouTube videos but you just don’t seem to be doing any drawing or animating yourself. You could use the help of a creativity coach.
Or imagine you want to be an actor but you’re too scared to go to auditions. You could use a creativity coach. (True story: a client of mine landed a major role in a Shakespeare play)
Maybe you really want to start a business using some of your multi-passions, but don’t know where to start or how to brand multi-passions into one business. Yep, I can help.
As your creativity coach, I help you get unstuck by looking into what is holding you back from creating and doing the work you feel called to do. We look at your unique situation, and I help you find the answers only you have.
Taking small steps and self-love is at the heart of my creativity coaching, as is creating a process for working you feel inspired to show up for.
“Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching is about addressing human nature in the face of change.”
Change takes patience
Instant gratification doesn't always happen in the creative process, which is why so many of us quit before we reach the goal. It's why we love social media. Social media can be like empty calories. It’s great fun getting inspired but it’s much more satisfying creating your own work.
Doing creative work is a long, slow nourishing meal, that enriches your life experience, and once you have tried that delicious feeling, you rarely want to go back.
Change is a creative process in itself that has different stages. If you need help in moving forward, you need a coach who understands those stages and can gently guide you through them. Not tell you what to do or give you homework.
I feel like creativity coaching, and especially kaizen-muse creativity coaching, is an antidote to the fast, hustle, Insta-perfect world.
I might sound like an old fart, happy to btw, cause we bloomin’ need to slow down and find a way back to ourselves and each other, that is based on kindness and creativity.
Creative work i important. It’s vital, actually, to our mental and emotional health.
All we need to do is to practice in a small, imperfect way.
Want help with your own personal creative process?
Hop on over to my contact page and let me know in the form what you need help with. I’d love to help you build your own creative process.
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