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3 creativity coaching tips for finishing your blog post, as a multi creative entrepreneur
Blogging is such a great tool for a small business, especially for solopreneurs, and yes, people are reading (or at least scanning) blogs in 2025.
3 useful tips for when creative chaos disrupts your creative process
In KMC coaching, we call the bit in the creative process where it gets difficult creative chaos, and it’s a stage that will happen. It’s not a question of whether it’ll happen or not, but how we deal with it.
Do you fight the chaos, hide from the chaos, or embrace it?
A prioritizing tip for creatives with multiple projects on the go, even a business
Being exposed to less distractions is not going to happen anytime soon, and whether you have 1 interest or 5, figuring out how to prioritize what to focus on, is something many of us can use a little practice on.
Human skills a creative process can give you, that AI can’t
A view on AI seen through the eyes of a creativity coach. As you might guess, my excitement for AI is yet to be found, but I’m trying to be somewhat open minded, if massively skeptical, about AI moving in on the territory of creativity.
3 tips to make a creative process sustainable?
The process you go through when making something will, by and large, determine whether you finish “the thing”. This makes your creative process kind of a big deal. So, how to make your creative process sustainable
Creative Block Tip: Lower the Stakes
Are you stuck on a creative project, writing a blog post, painting a card, writing a small story, or making a piece of music, a helpful tip for might be to lower the stakes.
Multi Creator, Where Lies Your Passion?
In search for inspiration for this blog, I picked up Marty Neumeier’s book “Zag” again, and started to go through the 17-step process for finding your Zag. Only, I’m stuck at step 1 by the question: “Where does your passion lie?”
3 Doing-it Tips to Help You Get Out of Creative Comparison
Creative comparison is not going to make you find your own unique creative style, and it’ll make you feel bad about your own unique creative potential. Yet, we do it constantly.
How to Use Kaizen to Make Small Improvements in Your Creative Business
The Kaizen philosophy of taking small steps to create change and improvements is an effective tool for small creative business owners.
Why a single small step, will build a consistent creating practice - that lasts
If you want to build a consistent creative practice, make a decision to prioritize 15 minutes once a week. Lowering your expectations way down is the kaizen trick to building a new creating habit.
3 Realistic Tips on Dealing with Perfectionism in Creativity and Business
Perfectionism destroys more dreams, art, and brilliant businesses than is good, as well as being the thief of joy. This fear of not being good enough comes in many disguises, so let’s take the mask off and learn how to deal with pesky perfectionism.
What Does A Creativity Coach Do?
As a kaizen-muse creativity coach, I help you get unstuck in your creative process. Creativity coaching focuses on the process and honors the non-linear process of creativity and the creative personality.
Why your creative process sets you apart
The creative process is a personal journey, as much about your self-worth, confidence, and beliefs, as it is about the craft and skills you have. Your creative process is also what sets you apart in your creative business.
Coaching creatives to a joyful creative process
Creating creatives in their creative process, overcoming creative blocks, and focusing on joy and small steps.
3 Ways To Kaizen Boost Your Creative Business
Creative entrepreneurship can be overwhelming, but using the gentle kaizen philosophy of taking small steps, to make improvements will boost your small business without overwhelm or burnout.
What Is Creativity Coaching?
Kaizen-muse creativity coaching is about addressing human nature in the process of creativity and the process of building a creative business.
4 Reasons Personal Growth is Part of the Creative Process
Personal growth is one of the main reasons I create every day. Creativity is the land of endless possibilities and a completely unique part of you that cannot be compared to anyone else.
3 ways kaizen philosophy can help overcome resistance
The kaizen philosophy of creating good change with small continuous steps will help you overcome resistance, lower your shoulders, and create a life for you with less pressure.
6 Creative Blocks Creativity Coaching can help you overcome
Creative work is vulnerable by definition, but when you have to create for a living, that pressure can create blocks only a creativity coach can help you with.